Sunday, October 22, 2017


Like many, as a child, my parents told me too much TV and Movies would rot my brain.  Well, as they always are, they’re right!  Before the last of my rotting brain leaks out through my ears, I thought I’d share what dusty thoughts were left with everyone.  SO...

Welcome!  As a student/scholar/geek/obsessive enthusiast of all things Retro, I will be using this forum for articles that take a look back at TV Shows and Movies.  The basis will be those Shows or Movies that may be celebrating anniversaries; or they may be tied to the current Season; or there may be something happening that makes them relevant; or...I may just feel like discussing them.

It could be one of the innumerable musings on Star Wars that are out here on the Net; a reflection on my favorite TV Show The Odd Couple; a thought about “Whatever Happened to ‘Must See TV?’” Or Premiere Magazine?

I hope you will join me on this “Retro Road Trip” journey.  The goal is a weekly post...of course that may be more or less depending on the responsibilities of being a Geek in a world of Adults!

Now, while my rotten brain will still allow me to type, I better get started on my first post.

Please send any feedback or notes!  Looking forward to this!